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Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir

Details of:  811-NominationPIO  
Document ID 811
ERA Ref: ERA/CEO/171/Adm/759/-62
Subject: Nomination of Public Information Officer, J&K ERA (25-11-2013)
File Reference ERA/CEO/171/Adm/759/-62
Docment Category Office Order
Uploded by admin
Document Description
Subject: Nomination of Public Information Officer for J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency {J&K ERA) In pursuance to provisions of J&K Right To Information Act, 2009. It is hereby ordered as under: 1. All Project Manager's shall be the Public Information Officer (PIO) and the Concerned Directors will be the First Appellate Authority (FAA) for their respective sectors. 2. For any general information pertaining to Head Office Accounts Officer (PMU) shall be PIO sought under RTI act and whereas Director Finance shall be First Appellate authority.