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Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir

Dated 13 March 2025
CEO, ERA reviews progress of World Bank funded JTFRP
Bid evaluation process for Additional Gynae block at L.D Hospital to be conclude soon: Aijaz Asad
Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA/JTFRP, Mr Muhammad AijazAsad (IAS) today asked PIU to expedite the bid evaluation process for the construction of additional Gynae block at Lal Ded hospital, Srinagar being constructed under the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project.

Muhammad AijazAsad was today chairing a meeting at civil secretariat Srinagar to review the progress of World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project
CEO, JKERA/JTFRP was informed that 200 sub-projects out of the total of 213 sub-projects taken up for execution under the World Bank funded JTFRP have been completed till date with an overall expenditure of Rs 1527 crore incurred under the project.

Er. Sajad Naqeeb Chief Engineer, (PWD) (R&B) (Central) while giving details about progress of the construction of additional Gynae/Infertility/Oncology block at LalDed Hospital Srinagar being constructed under JTFRP said that the evaluation of technical bids is under process and is expected to be completed shortly and will be submitted to World Bank for its approval.

CEO, asked Chief Engineer PWD(R&B) (Central) to expedite the bid evaluation process for the project.
Er. Susheel Kumar, Director Technical JTFRP/ Chief Engineer, PWD (R&B) (North) informed that work on 4 bridges in North Kashmir, namely Wahdina, WazaMohalla, Wagoora and Shrakwarahave been allotted and contractor has already started procurement of materials on Wahdinabridge . He added that work on all the 4 bridges is expected to be completed by Dec, 2025.

It was also informed by Director, Technical, JTFRP/ Chief Engineer, PWD (R&B) (North) that work on the construction of Trikolabal bridge in Pattan is underway and recently girders were launched on the bridge and work on the sub-project is expected to be completed by April,2025.
Giving details about progress of work on the construction of EOC (Emergency operations centre) at Ompura, being constructed by J&KERA under JTFRP, Director, Technical, JTFRP said that work on Dormitory building has been completed and contractor has initiated process for the procurement of various electromechanical equipments, lifts to be installed in the buildings as part of the sub-project.

CEO, ERA/JTFRP directed that contractor be asked to submit the procurement status of equipments and asked engineers to devise a strategy for expediting pace of work on the sub-project to ensure its completion at n earliest.

Er. Vinod Kumar Chief Engineer, PWD (R&B) (South) while giving details of progress on the construction of Trenzbridge informed that work on the 3 spans has already been completed and work on other spans is in process. Work on the bridge will be completed by June, 2025 he added.

Er. Sajad Kawoosa, Superintendent engineer, Srinagar Municipal Corporation informed that work on upgradation of 45 Dewatering stations in Srinagar city has been completed and made functional along with the installation of SCADA system in all the completed dewatering stations which has also been completed under JTFRP and stands already taken over by SMC and is currently in maintenance phase.

CEO, ERA asked SMC to formally close the project and submit utilization certificate at an earliest.
Er. GhulamRasool, Director J&KERA, Jammu informed that more than 95% progress has been achieved on the construction of Ghulati- ShahdraShariefRoad with laying of bituminous remaining to be laid for only 300 metres which will be done once weather permits while as work on road markings, signagesis underway.

Meeting was also attended by Er. Narinder Kumar, S.E (PWD) (R&B) (Central), Dr. Sajad Wani, Chief Accounts Officer, Senior officers of , Health and Medical Education, Srinagar Municipal Corporation, PWD (R&B) JKERA/ JTFRP .
Mohammad Azhar ,PRO(K)
Dated 31 December 2024
Work on 160 bedded State of Art Orthopedic Block at Bone & Joint Hospital completed
Tenders to be floated soon for additional Gynae block at LD Hospital: CEO, ERA
Chief Executive Officer , J&KERA/JTFRP , Mr Muhammad Aijaz Asad (IAS) today said that work on the construction of additional 160 bed Orthopaedic earthquake resilient building at Bone & Joint Hospital executed under the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project has been completed and trail run of the new facility is presently underway.

Chairing a meeting to review progress of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project, CEO highlighted the advanced features of the new Orthopaedic block which has been constructed using modern earthquake resilient technology, the state of art modular operation theatres, laminar flow system, TSSU (Theatre Sterile Supply Unit), ICU, Pre & Post Operation care wards , CSSD (Central Sterile Supply Department), specialized laundry, pneumatic tube system and waste collection system . Additional the building has received IGBC (India Green Building Council) certification, from Indain Green Building Council and features a biomedical waste management facility.

Er. Sajad Naqeeb Chief Engineer, (PWD) (R&B) (Central) while giving details about progress of the prestigious health sector project under JTFRP said that the work on the project has been completed and process of handing over of the new building to the hospital authorities initiated.
Medical Superintendent, Bone & Joint Hospital, said that the trail run for the new building is underway and recently an examination was conducted in the new building. He complemented the JKERA, World Bank and PIU (PWD) for completing the work on the project and said that the new health facility would be pivotal in providing the quality health care to thousands of patients who daily visit the hospital besides giving a new fillip to the health education in the UT.

CEO, ERA emphasised that the completion of this health facility marks a significant milestone in enhancing healthcare infrastructure in region providing advanced medical services and ensuring better patient care.

“ The use of earthquake resilent technology ensures the safety and stability of the hospital making it a robust addition to the healthcare facilities in Srinagar. he said
While giving details about the progress of Additional Gynae block at Lal Ded Hospital Chief Engineer PWD (R&B) Central informed that the bid document for the construction of additional Block at Lal Ded Hospital has been updated in consonance with the inputs provided by the concerned stakeholders and bid document submitted to World Bank for its approval and will be tendered once approved by World Bank.

Aijaz Asad said that the new block at Lal Ded Hospital will focus on the providing of infrastructural needs for the critical maternal and child care and will also include a dedicated section for the oncology care and will also be equipped with the latest precious air conditioning system and other state of art health care architecture and equipments.

CEO, ERA asked Chief Engineer (PWD) (R&B) which is the PIU (Project Implementation Unit) for the prestigious health sector project to expedite the tendering process for crucial health sector project under World Bank funded JTFRP to ensure the completion of the significant project as per the agreed timelines.
Er. Susheel Kumar Director Technical, JTFRP while giving details about the construction of EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) at Ompura said that the work on the Dormitory building of the project is nearing completion and will soon be handed over to the concerned Department.

He added that tender for the balance work on one of the (4) bridges in North Kashmir have been issued while as tenders for remaining (3) bridges are being issued shortly.

Executive engineer, PWD (R&B) South informed that work on the superstructure of Rohmoo bridge has been completely substantially except for the BT works which can be taken up in the next working season. He further said that fabrication works on the construction of Trenz bridge is also underway.

CEOERA, directed the concerned officers of the PWD to expedite the pace of work on all bridges being executed by it under JTFRP at an earliest.

Chief Executive Officer was informed by the officers of SMC which is implementing work on upgradation of 49 dewatering stations in Srinagar city that work on the project isat advanced stage with work already completed on 45 stations while as work on remaining stations is underway. CEO ERA directed the officers of the SMC present in the meeting to expedite pace on the project and ensure its earliest completion.

Officers of JKMSCL present during the meeting informed that 44 more additional critical care ambulances have been procured under the project.
Meeting was also attended by Dr. Sajad Wani, Chief Accounts Officer, Senior officers of Srinagar Municipal Corporation, PWD (R&B), Industries and Commerce, JKMSCL, Health and Medical Education , JKERA and JTFRP .
Mohammad Azhar ,PRO (K)
Dated 11 November 2024
CEO, ERA reviews progress of World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery project.
Take action against non-performing contractors: CEO, ERA
Mr. Muhammad Aijaz Asad (IAS), Secretary to the Government/Chief Executive Officer, JKERA today chaired a meeting to review progress of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project here today.

While reviewing the progress of World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project, Chief Executive Officer was informed that 189 sub-projects out of the total of 213 sub-projects under the project stand completed whileas work on 22 sub-projects is under execution.
Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA was informed that work on the construction additional block as Bone and Joints Hospital, Barzulla is in full swing and as on date Rs 95 Cr has been spent on the construction of the sub-project with 82% physical progress achieved on the vital health sector sub-project

CEO, ERA asked the officers to ensure the strict supervision on the coveted sub-project and ensure its timely completion.

Er. Susheel Kumar, Director, J&KERA, Kashmir while informing the Chief Executive Officer, about the progress of the work on the construction of EOC, (Emergency Operations Centre) at Ompura, Budgam said that although a substantial progress has been achieved on the civil component of the work but executing agency has not mobilized the requisite number of men and machinery so as at attain desired progress on the sub-project and further the contractor has not yet started the process for the procurement of equipments to be installed in the building and owing to which necessary action as per contract agreement is being contemplated against the executing agency.
CEO, ERA directed the officers to take strict action against the non-performing contractors in light of the relevant contractual clauses.

While reviewing the progress of works under the urban flood management component of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project, CEO, ERA was informed that work on 42 dewatering stations under the up gradation of 47 dewatering stations in Srinagar city has been already completed while as work on (03) stations at Rietteng, Amdakadal and lower Parimpora is underway.
It was also added that work on the installation of SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system being installed on all the dewatering stations in Srinagar city is also underway and as on date the latest hitech system for the online and remote monitoring of pumping stations being also undertaken as part of JTFRP has been installed on 75 stations and will be installed on the remaining stations as soon as work on these is completed by SMC.

CEO, ERA asked Director, J&KERA to take up the matter of slow progress on the upgradation of 49 dewatering stations with the Srinagar Municipal Corporation which is project implementation unit for the sub-project.

CEO,ERA also directed the concerned officers that the consultancies working on the preparation of feasibility and detailed project reports for the flood mitigation measures on the Jhelum and Tawi river basins be asked to identify the most vulnerable spots so that corrective actions are taken on priority.

While reviewing progress of sub-projects being executed under the component of critical infrastructure of World Bank funded JTFRP, CEO, ERA was informed that work on the construction of Trenz, Rohmoo and Trikolobal bridges is underway.
CEO, ERA directed that tenders for the construction of additional Gynae block at Lal Ded Hospital and for the balance work on the construction of four bridges in North Kashmir be got issued at an earliest.

It was also informed that JKMSCL has issued tenders for the procurement of additional ALS (All Life Support) critical care ambulances being procured under the project while as F&ES Dept. has provided specifications for some of the items to be procured for it. CEOERA directed that tenders for equipments to be procured for different departments under the project be got issued at an earliest.

Chief Executive Officer directed that strict action as per contractual clauses be taken against the non-performing contractors and exhorted upon officers of J&KERA to continue working in mission mode to ensure that all the sub-projects taken up for execution under JTFRP are completed within the stipulated timeframe and project objectives of JTFRP achieved to the fullest.

Meeting was also attended by Dr. Sajad Wani, Chief Accounts Officer, Ms.Mehjabeen Additional Secretary legal, JKERA, Er. Baiza Rafeeq ,Project Manager, JKERA, Er Syed Farhat, Deputy Project Manager, JKERA, Er. Shabeer Alamgeer, Deputy Project Manager, JKERA, Er. Harbindar Singh, Deputy Project Manager, J&KERA and other senior officers of J&KERA and JTFRP.
Mohammad Azhar (PRO)
Dated 29 October 2024
CEO, ERA reviews progress on river morphological studies
Asks consultants to provide the cost effective measures for flood mitigation
Mr. Muhammad Aijaz Asad (IAS) Secretary to Government/ Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA/ JTFRP chaired a meeting to review the progress of consultancy services for preparing feasibility and detailed project reports for the flood mitigation and comprehensive river management measures for Tawi and Jhelum basins being undertaken as part of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project at civil secretariat Srinagar here today.

Er. Susheel Kumar, Director, Technical, JTFRP informed that the river morphological studies of Tawi and Jhelum basins are being undertaken as part of the strengthening of disaster management capacity component of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project.
While giving powerpoint presentation about the progress achieved on the consultancy services for preparing feasibility and detailed project report for the flood mitigation and comprehensive river management for the Jhelum basin, David Sergeant, team leader M/S Eptisa consultancy informed that the peak flow of 3,260 cubic meters (1,15,000) cusecs recorded at Sangam by I&FC (Kashmir) during 2014 floods which has also been adopted by CWC (Central Water Commission) as the 100 year average recurrence interval flow has been used for project design purposes. He said that the major design requirements for the flood risk management is to provide a protection to areas along the banks of river Jhelum and its tributaries.

Team leader, Eptisa further informed that the preliminary recommendations for flood mitigation suggested include, increasing the embankments in Srinagar, increasing the carrying capacity of the flood spill channel with diversion away from the hokersar and Nowgam wetlands together with raising the flood embankments in Srinagar, construction of supplementary flood diversion channel (Dogripora channel extended south to Vishav nallah and discharging to Wular lake and the construction of flood control dams on the Lidder and Vishav nallah.

He added that action plan for the proposed program include the immediate/ short term measures (2 years), mid term measures (5 years) and long term measures and these would include the activities like dredging of Jhelum basin, dredging of its tributaries, development of control plan/licensing of riverbed material extraction, develop, implement and enforce the land use controls for commercial developments on floodplain. Development of flood prone land planning code, designating floodway zone, flood storage zone, flood fringe zones, monitoring climate change impacts, catchment studies, flood risk mapping along with the community flood hazard risk awareness.
CEO, ERA directed the consultants for the Jhelum basin study to further accelerate the progress on the study and maintain strong coordination with I&FC (K) and all the other concerned project stakeholders.

Later the Team Leader M/S Aqualoguous consultancy which has been tasked with the consultancy services for preparing feasibility and detailed project report for the flood mitigation and comprehensive river management for the Tawi basin informed that the scope of the study includes the reviewing and impacts of 2014 floods, preparing the feasibility study and the detailed project report for flood mitigation in Tawi basin .

He said that the consultancy has already prepared and submitted the various tasks included under the study which include the collection of data, developing & calibrating the various hydrological, hydraulic, hydrodynamic models. He added that draft Detailed project report prepared include the proposed engineering designs, drawings, environmental and social impact reports.
As part of the flood risk mitigation measures the study has proposed the flood & erosion management of Tawi basin, desilting works, raising of flood embankments, flood sluices/ regulators at various locations, riverbank works ( concrete walls, Gibbon walls, spurs etc.

Team leader, Aqualogous further informed that suggestions given by the I&FC (J) are being regularly incorporated and report updated accordingly.

CEO, ERA asked both the consultancies to undertake the studies in a fully professional manner and suggest the scientific methods which are most cost effective and would be instrumental in strengthening of flood mitigation measures in the river basins of Jhelum and Tawi.
Meeting was also attended by Er. Susheel Kumar, Director, J&KERA, Er.Baiza Rafeeq, Project Manager ,J&KERA, Er. Shabeer Alamgeer, Deputy Project Manager, J&KERA, Nodal officers of Jal Shakti (I&FC) for the project, and other senior officers of J&KERA, JTFRP and Jal Shakti Department.
Mohammad Azhar , PRO (K)
Dated 31 August 2024
JKERA bids Warm Farewell to Er. Ajay Kapahi on superannuation
Engineers design more than just structures, they shape the country: Aijaz Asad, CEO, ERA
J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency today gave a warm send-off to Er. Ajay Kapahi, the outgoing Director, J&KERA who attained superannuation from Govt. service today at an impressive function held at J&KERA office, Rambagh Srinagar the contribution of the officer was recalled and best wishes were given to him for his post retirement life.

Mr. Muhammad Aijaz Asad, Chief Executive Officer,JKERA complemented Er Ajay Kapahi, for attaining superannuation after serving the Government for than 38 years. He also complemented him for being a part of J&KERA team for 15 years and having played a major role in the execution of various ADB and World Bank funded projects.
Chief Executive Officer while remembering the services of Er. Kapahi, wished him all the best for the post-retirement life. He appreciated Er. Ajay Kapahi for having performed his duties with utmost professionalism and dedication.

Er Ajay Kapahi had joined Govt. Service in 1986 at Kangan as J.E, and was later posted in Govt. Medical College Jammu followed by JDA (Jammu Development Authority). He was posted in J&KERA from 2005 to 2018 where the officer served in various capacities and played a crucial role in the completion of various sub-projects that were completed under the the Asian Development Bank funded project. In 2018 he was posted as Executive Engineer, PMGSY Mendhar, and subsequently was posted as Superintending Engineer, Jammu (R&B) having the jurisdiction of Jammu, Rajouri, Poonch, Sambha and Kathua and consequently after being designated as Chief Engineer Er. Kapahi was posted as Director, Kashmir, JKERA in July,2024.
Er. Rakesh Mahajan, Director, Technical, JTFRP, Dr. Sajad Wani, Chief Accounts Officer, JTFRP , Er, Syed Farhat, Executive Engineer, JKERA, Er, Shabeer Hussain, Executive Engineer, JKERA and all the other staff of JKERA and JTFRP were present on the occasion and wished all the best to Er. Ajay Kapahi on attaining the superannuation from Government service.
Mohammad Azhar ,PRO(K)
Dated 13 July 2024
CEO, ERA reviews progress on EOC building and 160 bedded additional block at Bone & Joint Hospital
Ensure meticulous monitoring of works: CEO, ERA to officers
Mr. Aijaz Asad (IAS) Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA today chaired a meeting to review the progress of various flagship sub-projects being executed under the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project at J&KERA office, Srinagar here today.

While reviewing the progress of work on the state of art EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) being constructed under JTFRP at an allotted a cost of Rs 40.16 Cr, CEO, ERA was informed that most of the civil component of the work which include the construction of main building, service building, dormitory building has been completed along with the construction of internal roads, boundary walls around the complex and installation of electrical poles etc. Construction of fire fighting tank and other ancillary works is in progress it was said.
CEO, ERA directed the executing agency to immediately take up the work on the installation of HVAC (heating ventilation and air conditioning) system in the building and simultaneously accelerating the work on the other activities under the prestigious sub-project to ensure its timely completion.

State of Art EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) building at Ompura Budgam is being constructed under the component of Strengthening of Disaster Management Capacity of the World Bank funded JTFRP and comprises of Main Control Building with G+1 floor having a built up area of 27,204 sfts that will also house Central Control Room for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Centre, Service Block with built up area of 3,224 sft, Dormitory Building for NDRF & SDRF personnel with all facilities like Dining Hall, Kitchen, Recreation Room with the plinth area of 8,222 sfts and large sized warehouse having the plinth area of 11,248 sfts which will be used for the stocking of various relief and rescue equipments like rescue boats, potable pumps and essential food commodities. EOC centre also has two concrete platforms sized 2100x2 for pitching of tents for evacuation and Helipad for emergency landing of 3 Helicopters.
Later CEO, ERA also reviewed the progress of work on the construction of 160 bedded additional block at Bone and Joint, hospital, Barzulla being constructed at a cost of Rs 103.27 Cr.

CEO, ERA was informed that work on the sub-project is in the advanced stage and work on the installation of lifts, construction of connecting corridor between the old and new hospital buildings, other ancillary work on the main building are in full swing.

CEO ERA directed R&B (PWD) which is PIU (project implementation unit) for the sub-project to further expedite the pace of work and ensure its completion within the stipulated timeline.

The 160 bedded additional block at Bone & Joints Hospital, Barzulla is a much needed addition to health infrastructure in the valley and would provide best quality orthopaedic healthcare facility to the people.
The state of art building has been built using modern earthquake resilient technology, the state of art modular operation theatres, laminar flow system, TSSU (Theatre Sterile Supply Unit), ICU, Pre & Post Operation care wards , CSSD (Central Sterile Supply Department), specialized laundry, pneumatic tube system and waste collection system . The building has IGBC (India Green Building Council) certification; biomedical waste management facility.

While briefing the CEO, JKERA about the progress on the construction of additional block at GDC, Bemina, S.E R&B, (PWD) informed that work on the installation of lifts in the building and other minor ancillary works is being given further push to ensure earliest completion of the sub-project.
CEO, ERA directed the engineers to meticulously monitor the progress of work on all the under execution works being executed under the World Bank funded JTFRP to ensure that all the works are completed within the stipulated project deadline and also directed for strict monitoring of quality parameters of works.

Meeting was also attended by Er. Rakesh Mahajan, Director, Technical, JTFRP, Dr Altaf Kawoosa, Medical Superintendent, Bone & Joint Hospital, Barzulla, Er. Sushil Kumar, Project Manager, JKERA, Mushtaq Ahmad, S.E, R&B (PWD) Central and other senior officers of J&KERA, R&B (PWD) and Health Department.
Mohammad Azhar ,PRO (K)
Dated 10 July 2024
Secretary, PD&MD reviews progress of World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery project.
50 more ALS (All Life Support) Ambulances being procured to strengthen the critical health sector in UT : Muhammad Aijaz
Secretary, Planning Development and Monitoring Department, Mr.Muhammad Aijaz (IAS) who recently assumed the charge of Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA today chaired a meeting to review progress of the World Bank funded 250 million USD Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project at ERA complex Rambagh here today.

Secretary PD&MD was informed about the objectives of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project which was primarily formulated to strengthen the resilience to natural disasters at the aftermath of devastating floods of 2014 in Jammu and Kashmir. He was further informed that the JTFR project is of multisectoral in nature and comprises of the 6 main components which include: Reconstruction of Roads and Bridges, Construction of critical infrastructure, Restoration & Strengthening of Livelihoods, Strengthening of urban flood management, Strengthening of Disaster Management capacity, Contingency Emergency Response (CERC).
Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA was informed that major achievements under the project include construction of 16 bridges, upgradation of 18 roads, construction of 5 higher education buildings, construction of 46 BALa ( Building as a Learning Aid) designed schools, construction of 4 mega storm water drainage schemes, providing of various high - tech relief and rescue equipments to SDRF & Fire and Emergency Department worth Rs 40 Cr, Providing of search and rescue kits to 4000 panchayats in UTs of J&K and Ladakh, construction of state of art composite market centre for Silk at Rajbagh and composite market centre for wool at Bemina alongwith the development of artisan clusters of Papier machie at Zadibal, Crewel cluster at Noorbagh, Wool cluster at Noorbagh and Willow cluster at Ganderbal wherein artisans have been provided with the training in skill enhancement, provided with market linkages for their products.

It was also informed that the component of CERC (Contingency Emergency Response) which was activated by the UT administration in 2020 to meet the emergency health situation created due to the COVID-19. As part of the implementation of 50 million USD, CERC, 30 OGP (Oxygen Generation Plants) have been constructed in the various remote hospitals situated across the UT. Furthermore various high-tech critical care medical equipments were procured and distributed to 36 district hospitals across Jammu and Kashmir alongwith the providing of 68 ALS (All Life Support) critical care ambulances to various hospitals across the J&K.
It was further informed that as on date 188 sub-projects out of the total of 213 sub-projects taken up for execution under the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi flood Recovery Project have already been completed while as work on remaining 25 sub-projects is under execution.

While reviewing the progress of under execution 25 sub-projects being executed under World Bank funded JTFRP Chief Executive Officer was informed that progress of work on upgradation of 47 dewatering stations in Srinagar city is at advanced stage with work already completed on 42 stations while as work on remaining 3 stations is underway and sub-project expected to be completed by August, 2024. Secretary PD&MD directed S.E Drainage, SMC that no further delays in the completion of the sub-project will be tolerated.
Er. Sajad Naqeeb, Chief Engineer, Central, R&B (PWD) while giving details of the progress achieved on the construction of additional 160 bedded hospital building at Bone and Joints hospital at Barzulla, Srinagar informed that work on the sub-project is in the advanced stage and work on the installation of lifts, construction of connecting corridor between the old and new hospital buildings, other ancillary work on the main building are in full swing.

Secretary, PD&MD/ CEO ERA directed Chief Engineer, R&B to further expediate the pace of work on the construction of additional block at Bone & Joints Hospital, Barzulla and also fastback the tendering process for the construction of additional Gynaecology block at, Lal Ded Maternity, hospital.

Chief Engineer, South, R&B informed that work on the construction of Trenz and Rohmoo bridges has been further expedited. Secretary PD&MD directed that work on the bridges be completed at an earliest.
Executive Engineer, R&B, Baramulla informed that tenders for the construction of superstructure of 4 bridges in Baramulla, District namely Waza Mohalla, Shrakwara, Waghela and Wahdina have been floated with the last date for submission being 13th July,2024.

Sushil Kumar, Project Manager, J&KERA while giving details of progress on the construction of EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) at Ompura Budgam informed that work on construction of Dormitory of the complex and other ancillary works is in progress.

Secretary, PD&MD was also informed that 50 more ALS (All Life support) ambulances are being procured for the strengthening of health sector with the project savings.

Secretary, PD&MD directed that strict action as per contract agreement be taken against the non-performing contractors and impressed upon all the officers of J&KERA and Project implementation units to continue working in mission mode to ensure that all the sub-projects taken up for execution under JTFRP are completed within the stipulated timeframe and project objectives of JTFRP are achieved to the fullest.

Secretary, PD&MD also emphasised that all the savings under the project be effectively utilized in line with the project objectives.

Meeting was also attended by Dr. Sajad Wani, Chief Accounts Officer, Er.Sushil Kumar, Project Manager, JKERA, Er. Sajad Kawoosa, S.E Drainage, SMC, Rajinder, Gupta, S.E R&B, South, Er. Narinder Kumar S.E R&B, North , Executive Engineer, R&B Baramulla/Sopore, Er, Pooja Wazir, Deputy Project Manager, Transport, Jammu ,Kashmir Er. Syed Farhat, Deputy Project Manager,J&KERA Transport,Er.Baiza Rafeeq Deputy Project Manager,J&KERA Transport and other senior officers of J&KERA, SMC, R&B, I&C.
Mohammad Azhar , PRO (K)
Dated 08 July 2024
Mr.Muhammad Aijaz(IAS) assumes charge as Chief Executive Officer J&K ERA.
Secretary, Planning Development and Monitoring Department, Mr. Muhammad Aijaz (IAS) today assumed charge as Chief Executive Officer, J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency
Secretary, Planning Development and Monitoring Department, Mr. Muhammad Aijaz (IAS) today assumed charge as Chief Executive Officer, J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency, a special purpose vehicle of Government of Jammu and Kashmir for executing of all externally aided projects in Union Territory

Mr. Muhammad Aijaz(IAS) an alumnus of IIT, Delhi, and Officer of Indian Service Cadre 2012 batch has served in several key positions in the U.T administration which include Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar,Deputy Commissioner, Ramban, Deputy Commissioner Shopian, Deputy Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner Poonch, Managing Director, KPDCL( Kashmir Power Development Corporation Limited) etc
Soon after assuming the charge as Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA Mr. Muhammad Aijaz(IAS) had an introductory meeting with the senior officers of J&KERA during which he was briefed about the functioning of the organization.

Senior officers of J&KERA briefed him about the broader contours of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project being presently executed by J&KERA throughout the U.T
Secretary, PD&MD was informed that as on date 188 sub-projects out of the total of 213 sub-projects taken up for execution under the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi flood Recovery Project have already been completed whileas execution on remaining sub-projects is underway presently
Mohammad Azhar , PRO(K)
Dated 26 February 2024
Ensure strict adherence to project deadlines: CEOERA to PIUs
Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar (IAS) Chief Executive Officer, J&K ERA has instructed the various PIUs executing the various components of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project to strictly adhere to the project timelines
Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar (IAS) Chief Executive Officer, Jammu and Kashmir Economic Reconstruction Agency has instructed the various PIUs (project implementation units) executing the various components of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project to strictly adhere to the project timelines for completion of the remaining sub-projects

Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar (IAS) today chaired a meeting to review the progress of various components of the World Bank funded JTFRP being executed by the Srinagar Municipal Corporation, Public Works Department, Industries and Commerce Department, JKMSCL (Jammu and Kashmir Medical supplies corporation limited) and J&KERA as PIUs (project implementation units) at Civil Secretariat, Srinagar here today
Superintending Engineer, SMC City Drainage while giving details of the progress of work on the upgradation of 47 Dewatering stations being executed by Srinagar Municipal Corporation as project implementation unit, informed that till work on 40 dewatering stations has been completed and have been made fully functional while as work on remaining stations is underway . He further informed that work on two stations at Peerbagh and zero bridge has been impacted due to the litigations which are being proactively followed up by the SMC.

CEO, ERA asked the Director, Technical, JTFRP to conduct the joint site inspection of the said sites along with the officers of Srinagar Municipal Corporation immediately after the meeting and submit a report regarding the matter.
She further instructed the representatives of SMC to submit the operation and maintenance plan for all the stations upgraded under the project by end of this month and ensure completion of sub-project by end of June,2024.

Representatives of the R&B (PWD) informed that all the sub-projects which were previously being executed by JKPCC have been taken over by R&B (PWD) and further estimates and BOQs for balance work of four bridges at Waza Mohalla, Shrakawara, Wahdina and Wagila have been completed and works will be tendered out as soon as technical sanction is given by the competent authority in R&B (PWD)

CEOERA directed R&B (PWD) to submit O&M plan for bridges, cleanup restoration of all bridges and buildings constructed by it under the project and also ensure site clearance and site safety measures at all sites and strict adherence to safety and environmental measures as stipulated under World Bank norms. CEOERA also directed that all the social and safeguard issues related to various sub-projects be expeditiously taken up with the concerned revenue authorities in R&B for their earliest resolution
Managing Director, Jammu and Kashmir Industries which is implementing the component of strengthening of livelihoods under JTFRP informed that sustainability for the (4) artisan clusters- Zadibal papier machie cluster, Noorbagh chainstitch cluster, Bandipore Pashmina cluster and Ganderbal willow cluster is under preparation and will be further modified by the consultant and submitted to JKERA by end of this month.

Representative of JKMSCL informed that most of the procurements made by JKMSCL have been updated on the STEP.JKMSCL was asked to update all the activities by today itself.
Meeting was also attended by Dr. Sajad Wani, Chief Accounts Officer, J&KERA/JTFRP, Mrs. Mehjabeen, Additional Secretary, legal, JKERA, Er.Ashok Khokar, Project Manager, Transport, J&KERA, Jammu, Er, Pooja Wazir, Deputy Project Manager, Transport, Jammu Er.Sushil Kumar, Project Manager, Transport, JKERA,Kashmir and senior officers of Srinagar Municipal Corporation, PWD (R&B) , JKMSCL, Jammu and Kashmir Industries limited and J&KERA and JTFRP
Mohammad Azhar,PRO(K)
Dated 15 February 2024
Monitor progress of River Morphology studies on daily basis: CEO, ERA
Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar (IAS) Chief Executive Officer, Jammu and Kashmir Economic Reconstruction Agency today asked the officers to monitor the progress of Jhelum and Tawi river basin morphological studies on daily basis
Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar (IAS) Chief Executive Officer, Jammu and Kashmir Economic Reconstruction Agency today asked the officers to monitor the progress of Jhelum and Tawi river basin morphological studies being undertaken as part of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project on daily basis to ensure the earliest completion of the critical studies.

Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar (IAS) said this while chairing a meeting to review the progress of the ongoing World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project at Civil Secretariat, Srinagar here today
She further gave instructions for closely monitoring the progress of work on all the remaining under execution sub-projects under JTFRP particularly the flagship sub-projects of construction of EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) at Ompura, Budgam, Construction of Additional Hospital block at Bone and Joints Hospital, Barzulla and Construction of Extension block at Lal Ded Hospital, Srinagar.

Gurcharan Singh, Director, Technical, JTFRP while giving details of preparation of feasibility & detailed project report for flood mitigation & comprehensive river management measures for Jhelum river basin informed that concerned stakeholders had asked for some clarifications which have been incorporated in the model and final observations from Central Water Commission are awaited.
With regard to the preparation of feasibility & detailed project report for flood mitigation & comprehensive river management of Tawi basin he said that some clarifications have been raised by the concerned stakeholders which have been incorporated and further a joint site visit was conducted with the I&FC Jammu for on spot inspection.

CEO, ERA, asked Director Technical, JTFRP to closely follow-up both the studies with the I&FC Department so that both the studies are finalised and completed at earliest.
Dr.Syed Sehrish Asgar was informed that progress of work on upgradation of 47 dewatering stations in Srinagar city is in progress with work already completed on 40 stations while as work on remaining stations is underway.

CEO asked the Director, Technical, JTFRP to follow-up on all impediments that may be hindering progress of work on the sub-project and concerned PIU be asked to give firm date for the completion of the sub-project.

Nodal officer for construction of additional hospital building at Bone and Joints hospital, Barzulla informed that work on the sub-project is at the advanced stage. He said that estimates for the construction of corridor from existing hospital to new block and other additional works has been submitted to World Bank for approval.

Dr, Sehrish asked Director, Technical, and JTFRP to personally follow-up the matter with World Bank and other stakeholders to ensure the work on the sub-project is not affected and continues unhindered

It was also said that work on the construction of state of art EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) at Ompura Budgam is underway and designs for some mechanical components have been submitted to World bank for approval.

Nodal officer for the various sub-projects being executed by J&KERA as PIU (project implementation unit) in Kashmir Division informed that work on Hamray-Sultanpora road sub-project has been completed and project handed over to R&B. Work on the construction of Waghama-Bijbehara road subproject is underway with excavation and construction of diversion in progress. CEO, ERA directed the concerned nodal officer to ensure that work on the said sub-project is completed by June, 2024.
With regard to the progress of various bridge sub-projects being executed by J&KERA in Kashmir Division it was informed by the concerned nodal officer that work on the construction of Rohmoo bridge in Pulwama, is in full swing with one deck slab already laid and preparation for laying of 2nd deck slab presently underway alongwith the construction of approaches. Further work on the construction of approaches and pedestal for the bearings on Trenz bridge is in progress it was said.

It was also informed that (R&B) which is PIU (project implementation unit) for the sub-projects has conveyed that estimates for the construction of Waza Mohalla, Shrakawara, Wahdina and Wagila bridges are in the final stages and shall be tendered as soon as technical sanction from the Chief Engineer, (R&B) is obtained and has assured that works will be tendered out within 10 days.

Further it was also informed that final drawings for the construction of extension block at lal Ded Hospital are being reviewed by (R&B) and it has committed that the tenders for the sub-project will be issued in the March,2024.

CEO, ERA asked Director, Technical JTFRP to take up the matter of the constitution of the committee for the procurement of medical equipments for the new facility with the principal Govt. Medical College on priority.

Nodal Officers for the various road upgradation sub-projects being executed by J&KERA in Jammu Division informed that work on Devi Mai Ohli-Mandir road sub-project has been completed and road thrown open for traffic and handover takeover process of the sub-project is in process, while as road upgradation for Gulati-Shahdra Sharief road sub-project has been upgraded except for the laying of B.T which will be taken up during the forthcoming working season. It was also said that DPR and estimates for the Tutan Di Khuie road sub-project have been prepared and submitted to World bank and tenders for the work will be floated as soon as approval from the World Bank is wahdina obtained.

Meeting was also, Dr. Sajad Wani, Chief Accounts Officer, J&KERA/JTFRP, Mrs. Mehjabeen, Additional Secretary, legal, JKERA, Er.Ashok Khokar, Project Manager, Transport, J&KERA, Jammu, Er, Pooja Wazir, Deputy Project Manager, Transport, Jammu Er.Sushil Kumar, Project Manager, Transport, JKERA,Kashmir Er. Asgar Watali, Deputy Project Manager,J&KERA Transport, Er. Feroz Ahmad, Deputy Project Manager, J&KERA Transport, Er. Arshid Hussain, Deputy Project Manager, Er.Baiza Rafeeq Deputy Project Manager,J&KERA Transport and other senior officers of J&KERA and JTFRP
Mohammad Azhar , PRO(K)
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