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Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir

Dated 13 July 2022
Secretary PDMD, reviews preparedness of JKERA on projects proposed under ADB and JICA
Dr.Raghav Langer, Secretary, Planning Development and Monitoring Dept, Govt of J&K today chaired a meeting to review the preparedness on the proposed projects to be executed by J&KERA
Dr.Raghav Langer, Secretary, Planning Development and Monitoring Dept, Govt of J&K today chaired a meeting to review the preparedness on the proposed projects to be executed by J&KERA with the financial assistance of ADB (Asian Development Bank) and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) at Civil Secretariat Jammu here today.
Er. Iftikhar Hakim, Director, Planning & Coordination, JTFRP said that J&KERA under the forthcoming mega infrastructure projects proposed to be financed by Asian Development Bank and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) intends to undertake the projects for the Construction of integrated Sewerage and Water supply schemes for the Greater Srinagar and Jammu cities to provide the people living in these rapidly expanding cities with basic urban facilities.
Secretary, PDMD asked the Officers of JKERA to be ready with the list of tentative projects to be taken up under the proposed ADB and JICA after due consultations with the line departments especially PWD(R&B), Jal Shakti and Housing and Urban Development Department so that further consultations are taken up at the highest level with the concerned line Departments and list of these tentative projects alongwith the PPRs’ (Preliminary Projects Reports ) are submitted to the DEA (Department of Economic Affairs) Ministry of Finance , Govt. of India for its review which will be followed up by the meeting with the Administrative Secretaries of these Departments
It was given out that projects worth Rs 1100 Crore and Rs 4600 Crore are proposed to be taken up under these forthcoming projects which would pave way for further strengthening and expansion of urban infrastructure in the UT .
Meeting was also attended by the Er, Iftikhar Wani, Director Technical,JTFRP,, Er Javaid Bukhari, Director Kashmir, JKERA, Er. Ajay Kumar, Raju, Director, Jammu, JKERA, Tasawuf Amin, Director, Finance, JKERA ,Er. Ishtiyaq Malik, Project Manager, JKERA,Er, Ashok Khokar Project Manager, Transport, JKERA, Jammu and Er. Nand Kishore Project Manager, Urban Jammu
Mohammad Azhar , PRO
Dated 04 July 2022
JKERA develops State of Art Web Based tools for forecasting of HydroMet Hazards under World Bank funded project.
Web based applications handed over to DMRRR
The State of Art Web-based tools which include the DSS (Decision Support System) DRDB (Disaster Risk Database) and IOFS (Integrated Operational Forecasting System) developed by J&K ERA under the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project for the Strengthening of Disaster Management and Mitigation in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir have been handed over by the J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency to the Department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction.

The Project Management Unit of Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project led by Er. Iftikhar Hakim, Director Planning and Coordination, JTFRP handed over the web based tools of DSS, DRDB and IOFS to Mr. NazimZai Khan, (KAS) Secretary to Govt. DMRRR. The reports on MHRA (Multihazard Risk Assessment in J&K &Ladakh) and DSS conducted by Project Management Unit of JTFRP under the World Bank funded project were also shared on the occasion.
Detailed demonstration of the web-based tools of DSS, IOFS, DRDB developed under the Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project was also made before the Secretary, DMRRR and other officers of the Dept.

Secretary to Govt. DMRRR appreciated the efforts made by JKERA for having undertaken the development of latest scientific web-based applications under the World Bank funded project He also asked the officers of the DMRRR to immediately migrate to these applications so that the DMRRR, UTDMA (UT level Disaster Management Authority) and DDMAs (District Disaster Management Authorities) are able to fully benefit from these applications.
DSS is software for developing the better two – way communication between the different stakeholders that help them to effectively use the resources for the emergency response and Disaster Management, It equips the concerned line agencies –UTDMA, DDMA’s and the stakeholders departments with a potent and effective tool of a reliable communication bridge and strengthens theircapacitiesto act promptly during emergencies.

The development of Decision Support System along with the development of DRDB (Disaster Risk Database) and IOFS (Integrated Operational Forecasting System) for hydro-meteorological hazards such as floods, flash floods, avalanches and drought developed under the World Bank funded JTFRP is a robust integrated scientific system which will form the backbone of the Emergency Operation Centre--The command and control system for the Disaster Management in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir-- DEOCs’(District Emergency Operations Centres).
Er. Iftikhar Hakim, Director P&C also handed over the Report on the Upgraded Design Guidelineswith respect to the Multiple Disasters in the J&K with specific reference to the Seismic Zone 4 &5 was also formally handed over to the Principal Secretary, Housing and Urban Development Dept, J&K Govt.
The manuals prepared for the non-engineered constructions in the UT were also handed over to the Principal Secretary, H&UDD with the request to advise the urban local bodies, (municipal corporations, municipal committees) and the urban development authorities to disseminate the manuals to the citizens through their official websites and other possible means.
Mohammad Azhar , PRO
Dated 10 June 2022
Secretary Planning, Development and Monitoring Dept. Reviews progress on World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project
Dr. Raghav Langer, Secretary ,Planning Development and Monitoring Dept, Govt of J&K today reviewed the progress on the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project being executed by JKERA
Dr. Raghav Langer, Secretary ,Planning Development and Monitoring Dept, Govt of J&K today reviewed the progress on the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project being executed by JKERA (Jammu and Economic Reconstruction Agency) at Civil Secretariat, Srinagar here today.

Dr Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, Chief Executive Officer, JKERA/JTFRP while giving out the details of the World Bank funded JTFRP said that out of the total of 213 sub-projects taken up under (6) different components of the project namely Strengthening of Critical Infrastructure, Construction of roads and bridges, Strengthening of the Livelihoods, Strengthening of the Urban Flood Management, Strengthening of the Disaster Management Capacity and Contingency Emergency Response work on 132 sub-projects has been completed till date and work on remaining 84 is in advanced stage of execution.
It was further informed that contracts worth Rs 1750.20 crores have been awarded and disbursements to the tune of Rs 1051.32 has been made under the project till date.

Executive Director, JKPCC which is executing work on (08) bridge and (03) road projects under JTFRP informed that work on all the bridges is in full swing while as work on (02) road upgradation projects has already been completed and work on Ambarpora-Haritar project is underway and expected to be completed very soon.

He said that JKPCC work on the Construction of additional block at Lal Ded Maternity Hospital, Srinagar is also underway. Drawings for the proof checking of designs for the sub-structure have been received from IIT and work on the component is expected to be tendered end of this month

Dr. Raghav Langar, Secretary, Planning Development and Monitoring Dept. directed the JKPCC to take up work on the remaining components of the prestigious project in a planned and coordinated manner and simultaneously go for parallel activities like procurement of medical equipments for the project
Dr.Raghav also asked the JKPCC officers present in the meeting to ensure the completion of all works allotted to it under JTFRP within the set timelines.

Rafiq Ahmad Rafiq, Chief Engineer, PWD, Kashmir informed that work on the (05) higher education buildings and on the construction of the additional building in Bone & Joints Hospital Barzulla and administrative Block at Fire & Emergency Hqrs at Batmaloo, being executed by PWD, R&B Kashmir under JTFRP is in full swing. He said that work on (05) higher education buildings and Building at F&E Hqrs is in advanced stages while as considerable progress has been achieved on the construction of superstructure at additional hospital block at Bone & Joints Hospital, Barzulla, He also said that out of the total of (29) school buildnigs being executed by R&B, Kashmir work on 24 school buildings has been already been completed and work on remaining (5) will be completed by the set deadline.

Manzoor Ahmad Khan, Chief Engineer, PWD, Jammu informed that out ofwork on (13) has been complted while as work on remaining will be completed by Dec, 2022
Er, Ahsanul Haq, Superintending Engineer, Srinagar Municipal Corporation informed that work on the upgradation of (49) Dewatering stations in Srinagar being executed by SMC, under World Bank funded JTFRP is in full swing on both civil and electromechanical components.

Er. Javid Bukhari, Director ERA, Kashmir informed that out of the (04) mega storm water drainage projects being executed by JKERA work on Nadru Drainge scheme has already been completed while as work on the (03) drainage projects is in advanced stage of execution. He added that JKERA is also presently executing work on (02) road upgradation projects namely Hamray-Sultanpora- Ajas –Sumbal road in Baramulla/ Bandipora, and Sangam-Khudwani- Bijbehara-Waghama road in Anantnag while as work on the (03) upgradation of the Parimpora-Soibugh road, Rigid Concrete Pavment road from Humhama-Peerbagh and Civil secretariat to Rambagh has already been completed by JKERA

Director, Kashmir added that work on the construction of Rs 34. Cr UT level (EOC) Emergency operations centre at Ompura, Budgam is also underway in full swing .
Nodal Officer, Industries and Commerce Dept, said that out of the total of 26 sub-projects executed by I&CD work on 17 has been completed which include construction of Composite market centre for wool at Bemina, Composite market centre for Silk at Rajbagh , procurement of latest equipments for these newly constructed centres under JTFRP besides the development of Artisan Cluster for Papier machie , Crewel, Wool and Pashmina.

Secretary Planning Development and Monitoring Dept was also informed that under CERC component of JTFRP work on (29) Oxygen plants in most remote areas of J&K has been already completed at a cost of Rs 69 crore under the World Bank funded JTFRP. Further under the same component more than 64 type of critical care medical equipments have been procured and provided to District Hospitals across the J&K at a cost of Rs 289 Cr.

Er. Iftikhar Hakim, Director Planning and Coordination, JTFRP informed that under the component of Strengthening of Disaster Mangement various significant sub-projects which include Development of the DSS (Decision Support System) DRDB( Disaster Risk Database, MHRA (Multihazard Risk Assesemment in J&K) and Upgradtion of the Building Codes in J&K have already been completed under the World Bank funded JTFRP. In addition several rescue equipments like Rubber inflatable boats, Quick Response vehicles, Multipurpose fire tenders, and other equipments like All Life Support Ambulances have been provided to the SDRF, F&E Dept and Health Dept .

Dr. Raghav Langar, Secretary, Planning, Development and Monitoring Dept stressed upon all the PIUs( Project Implementation Units ) executing various sub-projects under JTFRP to work in unison and close coordination to ensure the timely completion of the project.

Meeting was also attended by Shahzada Bilal, Director General PDMD, Er, Iftikhar Wani, Director Technical, JTFRP, Er, Ajay Kumar, Raju, Director, Jammu, JKERA, Tasawuf Amin, Director, Finance, JKERA,Er. Ishtiyaq Malik, Project Manager, JKERA,Transport
Mohammad Azhar ,PRO
Dated 09 June 2022
Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble L.G Inaugurates Rs 16.70 Cr Sidhra- Suransar road project
Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, J&K inaugurated Rs 16.70 Cr. Sidhra- Suransar road upgradation project
Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, J&K today inaugurated Rs 16.70 Cr. Sidhra- Suransar road upgradation project completed by Jammu and Kashmir Economic Reconstruction Agency (JKERA)

Hon’ble L.G said that the Rs 16.70 Cr road project executed by JKERA is very vital as it provides the road connectivity to the various pilgrimage and tourist destination in and around the Jammu District.
The vital road project will facilitate the socio-economic development of areas including Bajalta, ChakChilah, Badgah, Aithem andSuransar, benefitting around 5 lac souls in the region
The road will give a boost to the tourism sector in the Jammu and adjoining areas as it completes the pilgrimage/tourist circuit from Pumandal. Mansar, Devkand, connecting with Vaishno Devi shrine and Sudhmahadev in Reasi and Udhampur District.
Day before on 7th, of June, 2022 Hon’ble Lieutenant had e-inaugurated (09) projects worth Rs 137.35 Cr. completed by JKERA under World Bank funded JTFRP in Raj Bhavan, Srinagar which included (05) road upgradation and bridge project and various high end IT enabled tools like- DSS (Decision Support System), DRDB (Disaster Risk Database) developed under the JTFRP to strengthen the Disaster Management in the UT of JK.
Member of parliament Jammu, Shri Jugal Kishore Sharma, Mayor Jammu Municipal, Shri Chander Mohan Gupta, Former legislator, Shri Devinder Singh Rana, Dr Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, Chief Executive Officer, JKERA, Shri Ramesh Kumar Divisional Comissioner, Jammu ,Avny Lavsa, Deputy Commissioner, Jammu and other senior officers of UT administration and JKERA and JTFRP were present on the occasion
Mohammad Azhar ,PRO
Dated 07 June 2022
Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble L.G e-Inaugurates projects worth Rs 137.35 Crores completed under World Bank funded by JTFRP
Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, J&K today e-inaugurated (09) projects worth Rs 137.35 crores
Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, J&K today e-inaugurated (09) projects worth Rs 137.35 crores completed by J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency under the World Bank funded , Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project

Hon’ble L.G inaugurated the (29) Oxygen Generation Plants constructed by J&KERA under the CERC (Contingency Emergency Response) component of the World Bank funded JTFRP. Work on the (30) Oxygen Generation Plants was taken up by J&KERA on war footing in later part of 2021 and got completed within the shortest possible time. The project involved the procurement and installation of the PSA(Pressure Swing Absorption) based “Manifold Oxygen Plants” which have been recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) for the treatment of the COVID-19 patients suffering from acute respiratory stress and critical to the recovery of seriously ill COVID-19 patients. The availability of this critical care equipment’s at the sub-district and community level hospitals will be significant in scaling down the deaths caused due to the COVID-19.
The project also involved the construction of the building for housing of the oxygen generation plant as per the prescribed specifications, installation and procurement of electro-mechanical components of main oxygen concentrator, air compressor, air receiver tanks, filtration system, air dryers, oxygen receiver tanks, bulk cylinders, oxygen regulating manual tanks, oxygen flowmeters, digital gas alarm, compressed air, Nitrous gas system which will be backed up with the 24X7 power supply with 125 KVA transformers, 150 KVA servo-stabilizers and all other necessary wherewithal to make the plants fully operational round the clock.

It was said that installation of (29) OGPs at the hospitals located in most remote areas across the U.T having a cumulative capacity of around 11,000 LPM can be termed as one of the most significant accomplishment under the JTFRP. With the installation of these facilities in most remote areas of UT like Mendhar, Sunderbani, Surankote, Banihal, Gandoh, Batote, Banihal, Chenani, Katra, Hajin, Tangmarg,, Qazigund, Zainapora, Yaripora, Akhnoor, Chowki Chaura, Bani, Hirannagar, Gaghwal, Ramgarh, Beerwah, Chari-Sharief Gurez, Tangdar, Tral, Kellar, Kangan, Uri and Kreeri.
With the commissioning of these Oxygen Generation Plants completed at a cost of Rs 69.00 Crores more than 16 lac people living in these most remote areas of the UT have been provided with the life saving facility of medical grade oxygen at the nearest Govt Health facility.

Earlier, Dr Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, Chief Executive Officer, JKERA/ JTFRP while briefing about the Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project said that during the last 2 years 132 sub-projects out of the total of 213 sub-projects have been completed at the cost of ₹ 428.79 Cr. while as work on remaining 81 sub-projects is in the advanced stage of execution.
The dramatic turnaround in the implementation of JTFRP is evident from the fact that during last two years 90% of procurement and 80% of disbursements under the project have been undertaken during the (2020-2021) as against 10% of procurement and 20% disbursements achieved during the initial (04) four years of the project i.e. from 2016-2019.

The upgradation of the (5) vital road projects –namely- Parimpora-Soibugh road in Srinagar/Budgam, Rigid Concrete Pavement road from Civil –Secretariat to Rambagh in Srinagar, Anji-Panasa in Reasi, Halmullah- Panchpora –Kralkut in Anantnag and Litter-Chakura-Chowdhary Bagh in Pulwama and one bridge 43 M Span steel deck bridge over Anji Nallah at Sukhal Nallah at Sukhal Ghati in Reasi completed at a cumulative cost of Rs 35.74 crores will provide the improved road connectivity to population of around 5 lac souls living in these various areas and provide them with the faster and improved access to markets, health, educational facilities and lead to creation of more jobs in tourism and other sectors.
The study on the Multihazard Risk Assesment in J&K and two significant IT based tools for the Strengthening of the Disaster Management in the UT namely Development of DSS (Decision Support System) and DRDB (Disaster Risk Database) developed under the JTFRP were also released on the occasion by the Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor.

The tools developed would definitely revolutionize the Disaster Management Infrastructure in J&K and give Disaster specialists and concerned line agencies dealing with emergencies a latest and modern tools to timely forecast the various impending calamities thus prevent loss of precious lives and property due to these.

The Upgraded Building Codes for J&K developed under World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project were also unveiled by the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor on the occasion.
Mohammad Azhar ,PRO
Dated 20 May 2022
World Bank Technical Review Mission concludes 4 day visit to Jammu.
World Bank Technical Review Mission concludes 4 day visit to Jammu.
The 2- member World Bank Technical team comprising of Shri Peeyush Sekhsaria, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist and Shri. Manzoor Khan Operations Specialist, today concluded it's 4- day visit to Jammu. During its visit to Jammu the team reviewed the progress of ongoing Projects being executed by JKERA under World Bank funded Jhelum & Tawi Flood Recovery Project (JTFRP). The visiting team had series of meetings with senior officers of ERA and R&B Jammu and also visited various sites during its stay in Jammu.

During their visit to various schools, which included GPS Beli Charana, GHS Chak Majra, GPS Gujjar Basti, GMS Purana Pind, the World Bank Team lauded the work done by JKERA in the execution of project. The school buildings have been constructed using the BaLA ( Building as A Learning Aid) design under component-I of JTFRP i.e. Reconstruction and strengthening of critical infrastructure of World Bank Funded JTFRP Project. The Team had interactions with Teachers, Staff, Community members and children studying in these schools. The stakeholders appreciated World Bank & JKERA for constructing the schools buildings using creative Bala design and expressed gratitude to the World Bank for providing state of the art school infrastructure in remote areas. Senior officers/officials of R&B Jammu, which is the Project Implementation Unit for the construction of school buildings, also accompanied the World Bank and ERA Team
The Technical team also visited the 300 LPM Manifold Oxygen Plant at GAH, Gaghwal, one of the (30) Manifold Oxygen Plants constructed by J&KERA under Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project across the UT. During the visit to Rs. 13.24 crore sub project involving the construction of 58 mts Steel Motorable Bridge from Katheel Ganjoo to Barsoa over Ghordi Nallah and 50 mts span Steel Motorable Bridge from Barsoa to Patri over Barmeen Nallah along with approach roads in Udhampur district, the team was informed that these motorable bridges will be the vital link between Katheel, Ganjo, Plarn, Ramain, Barmeen, Kuh Nallah, Barata, Barsoa, Pathri, Bari, Sanetar and Bhatyari villages. Construction of these bridges will give boost to socio-economic activity in the region.
During their visit to Rs 16.71 crore, 18.29 km Sidhra Surinsar Road, the team expressed satisfaction on the progress of the work . The team also visited the 11 km long Tutan Di Khuie to Khada Madana Road being upgraded at the cost of Rs.26.62 crores.
Peeyush Sekhsaria, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist said that the World bank is glad to know that the schools building built under JTFRP, across the UT under World Bank funded project have considerably upgraded the education sector and pleased to hear that the enrollment in schools has increased considerably after the construction of BaLA based buildings.
The World Bank Team was accompanied by Director Technical Iftikhar Ahmad Wani, Director Jammu Ajay Kumar Raju, Project Manager Transport Ashok Kumar Khokhar, Project Manager Hydraulic Nand Kishore Gupta and other senior officers/officials of ERA and consultants.
Mohammad Azhar , PRO
Dated 26 March 2022
World Bank team meets Chief Secretary J&K
Visit Oxygen plant at Charier-E-Sharief, Drainage projects at Bonpura & Lalmandi and JLNM Hospital
The team of World Bank led by Mr Abhas Jha, Practice Manager, (Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management) South Asia Region along with Dr. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah,Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA,Mr Deepak Singh, Lead Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World Bank and Mr Hemang Karelia, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist of World Bank today had a meeting with the Chief Secretary of J&K, Dr Arun Kumar Mehta during which the World Bank team lauded the efforts made by the J&K Govt in bringing about a positive turn around in the implementation of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery during the last two years.

Chief Secretary, Dr Arun Kumar Mehta had a detailed discussions with the World Bank team about the progress of World Bank funded JTFRP. He said that more possibilities for capacity building of engineers in the sphere of seismic proof construction need to be explored and also expressed the hope that World Bank would continue to support the J&K in the areas of climate change, sustainable development, environmental sustainability etc .
The World Bank team visited the 500 LPM Manifold Oxygen Plant at SDH Charir-e-Sharief at Budgam, one of the (30) Manifold Oxygen Plants constructed by The J&KERA under the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project. It was informed that the Oxygen Plant at Charier- Sharief will directly benefit the population of around 1 lac souls in various areas of remote Charier-E-Sharief Tehsil in District Budgam. During the visit of the World Bank team a delegation of local community based organisation called on the team and thanked the World Bank for funding the construction of much needed Oxygen plant in the area. Pertinent to mention here that under the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery project (30) Oxygen Plants have been constructed by J&KERA at a cost of Rs 70 crores in the most far-flung areas across J&K.
During visit to the Rs 12.88 crore Bonpora- Padshahi Bagh Storm Water Drainage project constructed by J&KERA under the World Bank funded JTFRP, team was informed that the area was one of the worst hit residential areas to be badly damaged during the floods of 2014 and with the construction of the storm water drainage in the area the localities have got immense relief from the frequent flooding during rainy seasons and winters. A delegation of local community also called on the visting team and expressed their gratitude to World Bank for providing the people of area with the much needed facility of storm water drainage. The Pumping station at Lalmandi being constructed as part of Rs 103 Crore Upgradation of the (49) pumping stations in Srinagar was also visited by the team.

The World Bank team also visited the JLNM, Hospital at Rainawari were the team was shown the various latest critical medical care equipments which have been provided under the JTFR project at a cost of Rs 270 crores to all the District hospitals across the J&K for the strengthening of critical care health facilities in the UT.
Medical Superintendent JLNM Hospital said that the equipments provided under the World Bank funded project have brought a key change in providing of the best quality health to people in the J&K.

She added that the latest hi-tech equipment’s like Anaesthesia work station, Dithermy vessel sealing machines, high flow oxygen devices, Dialysis machines, Hydraulic OT beds etc have turned the hospital into the state of art health care facility.
Mr. Abhas Jha, said that I am glad to know that the critical care medical equipments provided to the different hospitals across the UT under World Bank funded project have considerably upgraded the health infrastructure in the UT .
Mohammad Azhar , PRO
Dated 25 March 2022
Three Member High level Team of World Bank team visits J&K
World Bank Team appreciates J&K Govt & J&KERA for bringing a dramatic turnaround in the Implementation of JTFRP
A 3-member team of the World Bank led by Mr Abhas Jha, Practice Manager, (Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management) South Asia Region, World Bank and comprising of Mr Deepak Singh, Lead Disaster Risk Management Specialist,World Bank and Mr Hemang Karelia, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist of World Bank presently on a two day visit to the J&K has appreciated the J&K Govt. and J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency for bringing around a dramatic turnaround in the implementation of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project

Mr Abhas Jha, Practice Manager (Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management) South Asia Region, World Bank said this during a meeting held at SKICC Srinagar here today to review the progress of World Bank funded $ 250 million USD, JTFRP
Mr Abhas Jha of World Bank said that “ I have observed that JKERA as an organisation has certainly done something beyond the call of duty to bring dramatic turnaround in the project implementation” “He added that excellent job has been done by J&KERA under the various sectors of health, disaster management, education, livelihoods etc which will have long-term positive impact for many generations to come”

Dr. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA while briefing the high level team of World Bank team about latest progress of the project said that that under the various components of JTFRP an expenditure of Rs 921 has been made till date
He added that despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020-2021 the project has shown a remarkable turnaround in the implementation. He added that during the last two years 90% of procurement and 80% of disbursements have been undertaken in the project

Earlier in the day the World Bank team visited the Composite Market Centre for Silk at Rajbagh and Composite Market Centre for Wool at Bemina, Srinagar which have been completed under the World Bank funded JTFRP under the component of Strengthening of Livelihoods of World Bank funded JTFRP. The team was informed about the vital role played by the two sub-projects in the revitalisation of the traditional Wool and Silk industry in J&K. It was said that various latest weaving and processing equipment’s procured under the project for these factories has given a big boost in production of quality silk and wool products and has directly benefited more than 15,000 families associated with these two sectors.
The Team visited the Headquarters of the Fire & Emergency Dept. at Batamallo were the senior officers of the F&ES informed that team that (03) different types of fire tenders and latest fire rescue equipment’s worth Rs 14.48 crores have been received by the Dept. from the Project Management Unit of JTFRP. It was added that these include (17No) Multipurpose Fire tenders, (09No) Regular Fire Tenders, (17No) Medium Weight Quick Response vehicles which has considerably increased the capacity of the F&ES Dept. in quickly controlling the accidental fire incidents in the UT. Mock drill and live demonstration of these various fire rescue equipment’s – Hydraulic spreader cutter/combi tools, fire Entry suits, fire proximity suits etc was made before the visiting team.
During the visit to under Construction Additional Block at Bone & Joints Hospital, Barzulla the team was briefed about the salient features of the State of Art, 120 bedded Hospital which is being constructed at a cost of Rs 89 Crores under the World Bank funded JTFRP.
Mohammad Azhar , PRO
Dated 24 March 2022
In the aid of fireman " Equipments worth Rs 14.50 crores provided to F&ES Dept under World Bank funded JTFRP "
Administrative Building & Central Store Room being constructed under JTFRP at a cost of Rs 9.07 Crores
Latest Fire Tenders and Fire Rescue equipments worth Rs 14.50 crores have been provided to the Fire and Emergency Services Department under the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project to help the Dept. revamp its fleet of fire tenders and strengthen its capacity to undertake the rescue work during fire accidents in a better way.

Under the component of Strengthening the Disaster Management Capacity of the World Bank funded JTFRP (17 No) Multipurpose Fire Tenders , (09No) Regular Fire Tenders , (17No) Quick Response vehicles having a total cost of Rs 12.36 crores have been provided to the Fire & Emergency Services Dept. for revamping its fleet of fire tenders across J&K
“(QRV,s) Quick Response Fire tenders vehicles provided under JTFRP have been found to be very effective in controlling the fire incidents in congested urban areas were lanes are often narrow and normal fire tenders find it hard to reach the accident spot” said Senior Divisional Officer of the F&ES Dept . He said these vehicles are equipped with latest dual fire dousing systems which are equally potent in controlling all the types of fires using water jets or foam sprays depending on the type of fire.

The Multipurpose Fire Tenders provided under the World Bank funded JTFRP have a water carrying capacity of 5000 litres and can also be loaded with 500 litres of foam. These vehicles are very vital for the timely containment of large scale fires and are also fitted with the electronic snag detection system which helps in timely rectification of any technical problem developed in the vehicle.
The fire vehicles provided under the World Bank project have been provided to fire stations in different Districts across the UT which has considerably strengthened the capacity of the F&ES Dept. to control the fire accidents.

For effective management of the rescue work during the fire accidents (06) different types of (136 No) hi-tech equipments worth Rs 2.12 Crores have also been provided to the F&ES Dept. These include Hydraulic Spreader Cutter/Combi Tools, Ramps/ Hydraulic Jacks, Fire Entry suits, Fire Proximity suits, Breathing apparatus sets and Water Jel blankets.

“Equipments like Hydraulic spreaders and Combi tools are very effective in rescuing a person stuck inside a car or an iron barricaded building during an accident” said one of the Senior Fire Officer at the Directorate of F&ES.
Further as part of the strengthening of the Infrastructure at the Fire & Emergency Services Headquarters at Batmaloo a new Administrative building and a Central Store Building is also being constructed under the Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project at a cost Rs 9.07 crores.
Dr. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA/JTFRP said “ Strengthening of the various aspects of Disaster Management in UT is one of the main objectives of the World Bank funded JTFRP and with considerable infrastructural and material support provided under JTFRP I hope the Department would be able to manage the fire accidents in more professional manner and will also be able to minimise loss to property and save precious lives during accidents. .
Mohammad Azhar , PRO
Dated 22 March 2022
CEO ERA inspects World Bank funded works worth Rs 235 Crores
Projects to benefit millions of people across J&K
As part of the continuous monitoring of the works Chief Executive Officer, J&KERA Dr Syed Abid Rasheed Shah today inspected progress of work on various infrastructure projects having a cumulative cost of Rs 235 crores being executed by the J&KERA under the various components of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project. These sub-projects will directly benefit millions of people across J&K.

During the site inspection of work on the Construction of Pumping stations at Lalmandi, Dr Syed Abid Rasheed Shah was informed that the work on the sub-project is being executed as part of the Strengthening of the Urban Flood Management component of the World Bank funded JTFRP and includes the revamping of (49) Storm water pumping stations in Srinagar City which had suffered massive damages to civil structure and electro-mechanical equipment’s during floods of 2014. It was said that sub-project will benefit more than 12 lac people living in Srinagar city
The sub-project is being executed by Srinagar Municipal Corporation as PIU (Project Implementation Unit) at a cost of Rs 103 crores and involves the construction of new pump house buildings above the highest flood level recorded in 2014 and also includes the installation of new electrical and mechanical equipment’s in these pump houses.

It was added that the unique feature of the sub-project is the installation of submersible pumps which can even operate in submerged conditions. These pumping stations will also be provided with 24x7 supply of electricity and backed up with high capacity diesel set generators. These pumping stations along with the remaining pumping stations in Srinagar City are also being connected with the SCADA system which can be operated remotely from the SCADA Control Room Building which is being constructed by JKERA at Ompura,Budgam
CEO ERA asked the engineers of PIU and executing agencies to strictly adhere to quality control parameters and also ensure completion of work within the set timelines.

Dr Abid also visited the Rs 14.04 Crore Composite Market Centre of Silk and Rs 4.50 Cr Wool at Rajbagh and Bemina which have been completed under the World Bank funded JTFRP .Both of these plants have also been provided with the latest silk and wool weaving and preparatory machines like Rapier looms, 2 for 1 twisters, Boilers etc. at a cumulative cost of Rs. 28.49 Crores
It was given out that strengthening of the infrastructure in the two heritage factories has greatly helped in the revival of the traditional cottage industries in J&K and directly benefited more than 60,000 artisans associated with the traditional crafts in J&K.

CEO ERA/JTFRP also inspected the progress of work on the construction of Administrative block and central store building at Fire & Emergency Services headquarters, Batmaloo, Srinagar. The building is being constructed at a cost of Rs 9.07 crores and executed by PWD(R&B) Kashmir as Project implementation Unit.

CEO, ERA directed the R&B to strictly adhere to the social safeguard measures at site with due compliance to the project timelines
During visit to the Fire & Emergency headquarters, Batmallo various equipment’s like Proximity jackets, Cutter, combi tools, ramps, hydraulic jacks , fire entry suits, breathing apparatus sets, waterjet blankets, (17 No) Quick Response Vehicles , (17 No)Multipurpose Fire tenders , (9 No) Regular Fire Tenders at a cumulative cost of Rs 14.48 crores provided to the F&E Dept. under the World Bank funded JTFRP were shown to the CEO ERA and demonstration of these various equipments were made by on the occasion.Project will benefit entire population of the J&K

Later Dr Abid also visited the site for the construction of State of Art Additional Hospital Building at Bone & Joints Hospital, Barzulla, which is being undertaken at a cost of Rs 89 Crores .

Iftikhar Ahmad Wani, Director Technical, JTFRP informed the CEO that the considerable progress has been achieved on the construction of the superstructure of the state of art building which has G+4 structure with modern earthquake resilient technology, the upgradation involves the construction of modular operation theatres ,laminar flow system, TSSU (Theatre Sterile Supply Unit), ICU, Pre & Post Operation care wards , CSSD (Central Sterile Supply Department) , specialized laundry, pneumatic tube system and waste collection system . The sub-project will benefit almost entire population of the Kashmir Division being the only dedicated orthopaedic hospital in Kashmir Division and some parts of Jammu Division,

CEO ERA asked the NPCC (National Project Construction Corporation) which is executing work to further expedite progress of work on the project to ensure that work is completed within set timelines.

Director, Finance, JKERA, Project Manager, Hydraulic, and Project Manager, Transport also accomapined CEOERA/JTFRP during his site visit
Mohammad Azhar , PRO
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