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Details of:  645  
Document ID 645
ERA Ref: Assignment of duties Office Order No. 45 JKERA 2012
Subject: Assignment of Duties (Office Order No. 45 JKERA 2012)
File Reference Assignment of duties Office Order No. 45 JKERA 2012
Docment Category Office Order
Uploded by makarandmehta
Document Description
Assignment of duties/work distribution for Tranche -llf of Loan- 2. In view of the tentative approval of all shelves of works for Tranche - 3 of Loan II by the Hon'ble Chairman, ERA/Hon'ble Chief Minister it is imperative that immediate work on finalization of DPR leading to SAR for various identified works to be initiated. The work of the Loan- II, Tranche- 3 shall be executed through following distribution: