ERA Projects
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Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir
Backwash Water at WTP,s Srinagar Lot-A
Construction of Sedimentation Tanks, Clear water sumps and allied civil and Electro-Mechanical works for the treatement of Backwash Water at water treatment plants at Srinagar LotA (Rangil)
Sedimentation Tank of Zero Discharge at Water Treatment Plant Rangil


Category: Engineers Design
Location: Kashmir Urban Water Supply
Districts Passing:

Constituency Passing:

Status: Works Completed
ERA Ref: J&K/US/SWD/18/01/NCB/06 Type:Works Mode: NCB
ERA Pac ID: 0078.1
PCSS No: 0122
Scope of Work: Rangil and Alustang WTP,s
Contract Cost in Rs crore: 2.0906864
Dynamic Cost in Rs crore: 2.42
Contractor Details RK Engineers
Date of Signing of Contract 09 February 2011
Date of Start of Work (NTP) 07 March 2011
Completion Period (9 Months)
Completion Date as per Contract 06 December 2011