Please send your grievances and feedbacks on contact@jkera.org We are looking forward to serve
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ID |
14 |
Information Type |
Feedback |
Subject |
Geographical Information System in Capital Cities of Jammu & Kashmir State |
Name |
RK Handa |
Address |
EX Director ERA
India |
Phone |
Fax |
Email |
ravindersaroj@gmail.com |
Status |
Not Applicable |
Query Date |
25-05-2010 |
Process Date |
Disposal by |
Shri. OP Dubey |
Request/Grievance |
Respected Vyas Sahib ,
Please find attached my note on GIS .You may find it useful
Geographical Information System in Capital Cities of Jammu & Kashmir State
In order to have a road map for future growth it is very essential to have a reasonably accurate and up to date map of available infrastructure.
It is important to be equipped with basic information starting with accurate maps , data ,pertaining to land uses ,roads ,structures ,open spaces water bodies etc. In most of the cities these datas are either not available or they have not been updated for many years .The new urban sprawl ,infrastructural expansion and demographic profile have not been reflected on the maps .The secondary information is spread across different deptts and it is very difficult and time consuming to extract due to lack of coordination with in the state .
In order to address this situation ,J&K ERA ,took up this difficult assignment as one of its projects in first loan sanctioned by Asian Development Bank .The work was assigned by ERA to consultants in the field in December 2006.Technical consultancy was sought from a professor at NRSA Dehradun who assisted ERA in settling the scope of work to be assigned to consulting firm who is doing the job on turnkey basis . The scope of services include GIS services like base map creation ,ground truthing ,ground surveying for collection of data for attributes of various layers like roads, property, parks, water drains, street lights ,bus stands ,lakes ,data validation at the field digital data for incorporation in to large scale maps and generation of complete GIS system for Municipal Corporation for sanitation ,streetlights ,roads footpaths ,house tax ,PDD for electricity, PHED for water tax to be levied , UEED for sewerage and drainage services ,electoral DEPTT ,Tourism deptt for tourist maps .
It is hoped that the firm to whom the work was assigned might have done most of the work .One of the tasks assigned was to create work stations at
Following offices in Jammu and Srinagar cities:
ERA office
Municipal Corporation Office
Office of chief engineer PDD
Office of chief engineer PHED
Office of chief engineer UEED
The staff of these deptts was to be trained on handling the work stations for the purpose of retrieving any information required and incorporating changes in land use infrastructure on daily basis .For successful completion of this task and for making the project a success the seriousness of the deptts ,is most important .Generally such seriousness lacks in govt deptts .
I understand that work stations have been created by the firm but are still in ERA office and have not been shifted to these deptts as the required infrastructure has to be procured and dedicated man power has to be deployed by the deptts .
It is also learned that the deptts did depute their staff to ERA office for training and necessary training has been imparted to them by the firm .
It is doubted that the HODs of these deptts were serious in selection of the persons to be trained .It is also doubted that the HODs ensured that people sent for training were having requisite qualification and ensured that such officials shall not be transferred and shall continue to handle the work stations .This needs review .If this has not been done it is important for the planning deptt to recruit people to handle work stations .Such people should preferably be GIS literate with town planning as a subject so that they can make changes as development take place on daily basis so that at any point of time the state is readily equipped with up dated data and maps .In case this is not done the whole project shall be of no use .
Some mechanism needs to be devised to ensure that any change in data is incorporated on daily basis at the work stations . May be the state govt links this with the payments i.e no payment of any work can be made by the DDO unless the drawing of the change or any other data sheet duly signed by the concerned is provided to the in charge work station and he certifies that the change has been incorporated in the data stored in the system .This may seem to be cumbersome but some method needs to be devised.
There was a project in Era for change of leaking water pipes but unfortunately the drawings of water distribution system were not available with PHED . It was a tough job for ERA to locate the existing distribution system but with the co operation of PHED and its old line men some maps were created by ERA .Ground verification of these maps was also got done . It is not sure whether the entire distribution system has been incorporated but now sufficient data is available with ERA and PHED . IT needs to be ensured that these data’s have been incorporated in the GIS system .New tube wells , rising mains ,service tanks overhead tanks and distribution system have been created by ERA .It needs to be ensured that these have been fed to GIS system .Similarly many storm water nallahs have been trained and by this process lot of land has been retrieved on both sides of these nallahs .JDA was asked to fence such lands and take their possession for proper use in future . For example along Landoi Choi nallah in front of RBI near railway station a park has been developed by JDA . It needs to be ensured that now this park exists in the GIS system .
The work of census has begun .The datas so collected should be provided to ERA on weekly basis so that it is incorporated in GIS system side by side .
Regarding water and electricity connections to houses, shops and other places , the PHED and PDD should collect these datas by physical verification and provide the same to ERA as it is feared that public shall provide such information to the GIS firm truly .
The validation of data fed to the system wes to be done by the concerned deptts .How seriously the deptts have performed this task is a question .
This should be cross checked by senior officers at random .
In loan two of ADB , and under JNURM sewerage system is being laid . It is better that we incorporate this now if not already done .
It is suggested that before the GIS firm hands over the work the work stations start functioning in the respective deptts so that any difficulty that may be faced is removed by the firm .
JDA ,SDA and Municipal corporations should start using the land use data for the purpose of exercising controls over illegal constructions and encroachments and should make zonal plans as otherwise controls can not be fairly exercised .The existing master plans also need to be revised as per the need .
Ex Director ERA
Disposal |
Respected Handa Sahib,
Thank you very much for your email.
The observations/concerns and suggestions in making GIS data "fit for the purpose" based on your experience as Ex Director ERA have been well taken. Most of them stand already incorporated and balance will be incorporated on merit basis. The firm will be relieved only after its successful completion of the work.
with best regards,
Director Urban
J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency
Hotel Tramboo, Dal Gate
Srinagar J&K
Cell: +919419114053