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Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir
NewsID: 120 Author (Muhammad Azhar)
Public Relations Officer  Dated 12 April 2019
Subject Principal Advisor , MRTS projects E.Sreedharan visits proposed corridor of Srinagar Mass Rapid Transit System
Principal Advisor , MRTS projects E.Sreedharan visits proposed corridor of Srinagar Mass Rapid Transit System
Shri E.Sreedharan , Principal Advisor , J&K Govt for MRTS (Mass Rapid Transit System) project in J&K today visited the proposed corridors for Srinagar city along with Shri Dheeraj Gupta (IAS) , Principal Secretary , Housing and Urban Development Department and Dr. Raghav Langer(IAS) , Chief Executive Officer, J&K ERA, J&K.
During site visit Shri Dheeraj Gupta , Principal Secretary, H&UDD informed Shri E.Sreedharan about the North –South and East- West corridors which have been proposed by RITES limited a Govt. of India Enterprise in its draft DPR for the project. The team had an on spot inspection of various locations in Srinagar city which included Shalteng Batmaloo, Jehangir Chowk,Amirakadal, Sonwar, Nowhatta, SKIMS and Ellahi Bagh (near Hazratbal crossing) etc
Principal Secretary, H&UDD informed that the halting points shall be decided keeping in view the high density traffic areas, key business and administrative areas where daily influx of the commuters is huge. Representatives of RITES India Limited gave on spot presentation of the draft DPR prepared by it for the Srinagar, MRTS.
E Sreedharan, Principal Advisor, MRTS Projects, J&K Govt suggested some modifications during the site visit as per the ground conditions.
Javed Iqbal Tara, Director , Kashmir, JKERA, Fayaz Ahmad , Chief Town Planner, Kashmir, Sheikh Javed, Project Manager, Transport, J&KERA and Nimit Kumar, Manager, RITES accompanied the high level team during the site visit.
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