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Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir
NewsID: 143 Author Mohammad Azhar , PRO JKERA/JTFRP Kmr Dated 21 October 2020
Subject TPRM (Tripartite Portfolio Review Meeting) expresses satisfaction over the progress of JTFRP.
Appreciates the efforts made by Govt of J&K and J&KERA for marked improvement on implementation of World Bank funded “Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project”
Tripartite Portfolio Meeting(TPRM) in its recently held meeting to review the progress of various projects funded by the World Bank across the country and attended by the senior officers of the DEA (Department of Economic Affairs ) Ministry of Finance, Govt of India , World Bank and senior officers of various EA’s (Executing Agencies) executing these projects has expressed immense satisfaction over the marked improvement in the implementation of the World Bank funded USD 250 million Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project in Jammu and Kashmir.
As per the reliable sources the meeting has noted with satisfaction that the project since June 2020 has shown a reasonable progress in implementation. It has appreciated the efforts made by J&KERA to resume work on various sub-projects Post-COVID 19 lockdown and also expressed satisfaction over meeting of the disbursement targets aswell as the progress achieved on the allotment of various sub-projects under the different components of the JTFRP. Meeting has also expressed the satisfaction over the regular updations being made on the project related MIS (Management Information System) and also on the implementation of the various social safeguards measures under the Project

The Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance, Government of India, has praised Jammu and Kashmir Government for the successful implementation of the World Bank-funded ‘Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project’ (JTFRP).
“We have gone ahead of the previous disbursement targets set by the DEA,” said, Chief Executive Officer, JKERA Dr. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah. He said that his team would continue to give its best in every possible way to complete the vital developmental works under the World Bank-funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project.

“The way we are going now I am optimistic that we will be able to meet all the physical and financial targets set under the forthcoming quarter” the CEO assured.
It may be recalled that the ‘Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project’ (JTFRP) as a project (unit) was integrated with the J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency (ERA). The Jammu and Kashmir Government had authorized ERA to make such consequential changes in the processes or structures as may be necessitated by the integration and also enter into any correspondence or discussions with the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) of the Union Ministry of Finance and the World Bank, as may be required. In the aftermath of the devastating floods of September 2014, the JTFRP was sanctioned by the World Bank for USD 250 million. The J&K ERA is a special purpose vehicle for the implementation of externally aided projects in J&K .

Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project funded by the World Bank has 7 components which include the components of (1) Reconstruction and strengthening of the Critical Infrastructure, (2) Reconstruction of the roads and bridges, (3) Restoration of the Urban Flood Management System, (4) Restoration and strengthening of the Livelihoods, (5)Strengthening of the Disaster Risk Management System, (6) Contingency Emergency Response for Covid -19 and Implementation Support.
Necessary to mention here that in the last quarter of July- September the appreciable progress has been made under the project with 96.41%, 86.52%,100%,78.30% and 55.15% sub-projects awarded under the component,1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively (having a cumulative cost of 173.13 million USD) while as for the component 6 the JKMSCL which is project implementation unit for the project has been asked to expedite the procurement process for the various critical health care equipment’s which are to be procured under the component 6 of JTFRP to fortify the critical health care equipment’s requirements in J&K .

The TPRM meeting which was conducted via virtual mode was attended by Dr.Syed Abid Rasheed Shah (IAS) Chief Executive Officer, JKERA/JTFRP and also other senior officers of Project Management Unit (PMU), JTFRP and JKERA

Pertinently, JKERA has acquired the requisite expertise in the procedures and guidelines followed in the case of externally funded projects and would ensure a seamless and quick execution process.
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