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Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir
NewsID: 144 Author Mohammad Azhar ,PRO (K) Dated 12 November 2020
Subject Financial Commissioner , Health and Medical Education reviews progress made by JKMSCL on CERC component of World Bank funded JTFRP
Shri Atal Dullo, IAS Financial Commissioner , Health and Medical Education Department reviewed the progress on CERC Component of World Bank funded JTFRP
Shri Atal Dullo, IAS Financial Commissioner , Health and Medical Education Department today reviewed the progress on the 50 million USD (Rs 368 crores) Contingency Emergency Response Component of the World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project. Jammu and Kashmir Medical Supplies Corporation (JKMSCL) is functioning as the project implementation unit for the procurement of various critical care medical equipment to be provided to the hospitals across J&K.
Shri Atal Dullo said that the World Bank assisted CERC component of JTFRP would be pivotal for strengthening of the Critical Health Care Institutions involved in COVID-19 management up to District level, esp. Intensive Care Units, laboratories etc. He said the component of JTFRP would have an immediate impact on the better management of the pandemic along with tangible impact on providing quality health care services.
Dr Syed Abid Rasheed Shah (IAS) Chief Executive Officer, JKERA/JTFRP impressed upon the Jammu and Kashmir Medical Supplies Corporation (JKMSCL) to complete the procurement without any delays and as per world bank guidelines

Dr. Yashpal Sharma, Managing Director, JKMSCL informed that the project is under implementation and various equipment required for strengthening of health care institution are in the process of procurement and shall be installed in such institutions within next two months.
Financial Commissioner, H&ME directed the JKMSCL to undertake the procurement process of the critical care equipment’s in a transparent, time bound manner as stipulated under the World Bank procurement guidelines so that people of the Union Territory are provided with these much needed equipment’s at an earliest. Financial Commissioner, H&ME also fixed deadlines to JKMSCL for implementation of the project.
The meeting was attended by the Dr.Syed Abid Rasheed Shah (IAS), Chief Executive Officer, JKERA, Director General (Planning) Health and Medical Education Dept, Director, Finance, H&ME , Managing Director, JKSMCL, General Manager, (P&S) and Deputy General Managers of JKMSCL.
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