News Details
J&K ERA Main Logo
Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir
NewsID: 4 Author Dr Neeraj Sharma Dated 04 January 2008
Subject Inauguration of Mobile Enviromental LAB Jammu
Inauguration of Mobile Enviromental LAB
Sh. Pankaj Jain CEO ERA today inaugurated the Static & Mobile Environmental Laboratories established with Project Management Consultants.
CEO informed the august gathering that in order to minimize the adverse imapcts of devlopmental activities on environment, the Environmental Management Plans have been made an integral part of every contract. All the preventive measures stipulated in the contract have to be strictly complied by the contrcator. The Engineer (DSCs) supervise all the project activites and provide feedback to ERA. In order to ensure effective implementaion of EMP, Environmental Monitoring is of paramount importance. Depending upon the location, magnitude and duration of project, frequency of monitoring is fixed for each contrcat.
He further explained that utilizing the services of laboratories, ERA has already estabilshed a baseline at senstive receptors for air, water and noise environment. The baseline shall serve as the standard for ensuring the proper compliance of EMP. Given a chance if there is unaccepatble deviation of results from those estabilshed in baseline, contractors are accordingly insrtucted to comply with the stipulated safegurad norms.
CEO also apprised the press / electronic media about ERA's approach toawrads infrastructural development and requested the media to come up with relevant suggestions for better infrastructure. project activities
CEO concluded the programme with a special vote of thanks to press
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